Insert template


A template can be inserted either using autocompletion or template menu in any applications.


Insert a template via template menu

 Template menu allows user to find and insert quickly their preferred templates. Please proceed as follows to insert a template via template menu:

  1. Activate the place in the target application, where the contents of a template need to be inserted.
  2. Select the template to be inserted via template menu.
  3. The template menu closes automatically and the content of the selected template is inserted.


Note when inserting template via template menu

If there exist more than 1000 templates, category with more than 200 templates is lazy loaded for performance reasons. Click such categories manually to load the templates.


Insert a template via autocompletion

Please proceed as follows to insert a template via autocompletion:

  1. Type part of the template name.
  2. Select "search in templates".
  3. Templates containing the typed text in their names or values are showed as results in the suggestion window.
  4. Select the preferred template from the suggestion window.
  5. Confirm selection.
  6. The suggestion window closes automatically and the content of the selected template is inserted.

A template can be inserted by typing in "#template name", when the space key or the return key is pressed directly after the template name.


Note when inserting template in RTF format

A template in RTF format is inserted only if the active application supports RTF format. If the active application does not support RTF format, to insert the template as plain text without formatting please hold down the "Shift" key. Microsoft Word is used in this case when pasting template as plain text and must be installed in the system.


Insert contents from file

If the active application supports the format of the selected file, the file contents can be inserted. Supported file formats are text format, RTF format, Microsoft Word format and Microsoft Excel format. When inserting file with image format, one preview window is opened and the image can be inserted into target application by copying the image in the preivew window manually.