Explorer Extension




When user selects a folder, the following functions are available:

copy path Copy the path of the selected folder to the clipboard.
command prompt Launch a command prompt with the path of the selected folder.
delete later
  • If the selected folder cannot be deleted (e.g. because some subfolders or subfiles), a timer is registered to attempt every 30 seconds to delete the folder.
  • After the folder has been deleted, a message dialog popups to show that the folder is deleted.
  • Please note that after closing or restarting Mywe the registered timer before is stopped and does not attempt to delete the folder again.
  • This function moves the selected folder to the recycle bin and deletes the folder permanently.
delete later to recycle bin This function works the same like "delete later". In comparison to "delete later" this function moves the selected folder to the recycle bin and deletes the folder permanently.
touch Change modification timestamp of the selected folder to current timestamp.
backup with current date Copy the selected folder to the same folder under the name with the date appended at the end.




When user selects a file, the following functions are available:

copy path Copy the path of the selected file to the clipboard.
command prompt Launch a command prompt with the parent path of the selected file.
delete later
  • If the selected file cannot be deleted (e.g. because the file is locked), a timer is registered to attempt every 30 seconds to delete the folder.
  • After the folder has been deleted, a message dialog popups to show that the file is deleted.
  • Please note that after closing or restarting Mywe the timer does not attempt to delete the file again.
  • This function moves the selected file to the recycle bin and deletes it permanently.
delete later to recycle bin This function works the same like "delete later".
In comparison to "delete later" this function moves the selected file to the recycle bin and deletes it permanently.
touch Change modification timestamp of the selected file to current timestamp.
backup with current date Copy the selected file to the same folder under the name with the date appended at the end before the file suffix.
explorer file preview Open the selected file in the preview window. Please note that not all file types are supported for preview.



Files and folders


When you select multiple files and folders, the following functions are available:

copy path Copy paths of the selected files and folders seperated by line break to the clipboard.
delete later This function works similar to single file or folder for all selected files and folders.
delete later to recycle bin This function works similar to single file or folder for all selected files and folders.
touch This function works similar to single file or folder for all selected files and folders.
backup with current date This function works similar to single file or folder for all selected files and folders.