Text editing




save in wordlist CTRL-SHIFT-INSERT
to uppercase CTRL-SHIFT-X
to lowercase CTRL-SHIFT-Y
toggle capitalizing first letter automatically CTRL-WIN-F12
insert random string with numbers WIN-ALT-A
insert random string without numbers WIN-ALT-B
reverse string WIN-ALT-C
wrap string WIN-ALT-D
remove all line breaks WIN-ALT-E


go to ... CTRL-ALT-L
sort lines WIN-ALT-F
reverse lines WIN-ALT-G
remove duplicated lines WIN-ALT-H
remove lines containing string WIN-ALT-I
wrap lines with string WIN-ALT-J
add line number WIN-ALT-K


insert text at column x WIN-ALT-L
cut columns WIN-ALT-M
copy columns WIN-ALT-N
replace columns WIN-ALT-O


delete current line CTRL-D
delete current line and highlight next line ALT-D
move down ALT-DOWN
move up ALT-UP
duplicate up CTRL-ALT-UP
duplicate down CTRL-ALT-DOWN
duplicate right CTRL-SHIFT-D


align left WIN-ALT-P
align center WIN-ALT-Q
align right WIN-ALT-R
left align columns WIN-ALT-S
center align columns WIN-ALT-T
right align columns WIN-ALT-U


highlight next word CTRL-TAB
highlight current line CTRL-L
select enclosing element by () or {} ALT-SHIFT-UP
quick outline based on {} CTRL-O
contextual outline based on {} WIN-O
select next enclosing element between < and > CTRL-<
select next enclosing element between ( and ) ALT-<
select next enclosing element between [ and ] WIN-<


move caret to last sentence ALT-SHIFT-LEFT
move caret to next sentence ALT-SHIFT-RIGHT
move caret to next line break ALT-SHIFT-PGDN
move caret to last line break ALT-SHIFT-PGUP
move caret to last ( or { CTRL-ALT-LEFT
move caret to next ( or { CTRL-ALT-RIGHT
move caret to last empty line CTRL-WIN-PAGEUP
move caret to next empty line CTRL-WIN-PAGEDOWN


replace CTRL-ALT-H
replace (case sensitive) CTRL-ALT-K
replace occurrences of a pattern CTRL-ALT-R
launches Google Search in browser WIN-G
calculate WIN-ALT-Y
insert calculated result WIN-ALT-Z
add timestamp #DATETIME
add date #DATE


Please refer to the website http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/RegEx-QuickRef.htm for regular expressions.



string length CTRL-ALT-O
count words CTRL-ALT-W
count lines CTRL-ALT-Z
word frequency (^ frequency) WIN-ALT-V
word frequency (^ alphabet) WIN-ALT-W